Daily Archives: 30/01/2010

Show results from NSBK Exporama

I showed no less than 4 different breeds today, with great results!

I started out with Tíbrá, and to make a long story short, she won her CC nr. 9 and BOB under the judge Valerie Hutton, Australia.

After that I moved on to showing a Groenendael male called Nandhuria’s Caranthir “Cane”. I’d shown Cane once before as a puppy with the result BOB and res. BIS, so we gave it another try. The result was awesome! He was entered in working class as he originally is a working dog, but still received a CK (excellent), and was even placed as best male, which gave him his first CC!  As that wasn’t enough, he was even BOB! His owner was over the moon, and of course I wa really happy myself. Congratulations to his owner!

Later I was asked by an old schoolmate to show her Samoyed male, Aquasam’s Churrahee D’white Winner, who needed one last CC to become champion. I said yes, and even groomed him before showing. The judge Arne Foss liked him very much, and found him very masculine (he’s a little bit small, but of excellent type), and that resulted in CK, and as the only male with CK he was awarded his final CC and is now a Norwegian show Champion! Congratulations to his owner Inger Røliaunet.

The sheltie ring did not bring us the best results today, but Rebus was 2nd best male, Tiger 4th best male and Mable 2nd best bitch with CC.

In the group finals I had no more than 3 dogs, and 2 inthe same group, so Cane wasn’t handled by me. I showed Tíbrá, and she WON the group under jugde Birgitta Svarstad, Sweden!  Later on we went into the BIS-finals where she was placed 4th Best In show under judge Annika Ulltveit-Moe!  What a day! Sunday’s results will come as soon as I have time to sit down again.